Transportation, shipment and logistics
We work for the leaders of the TSL sector

CONTMAN helped major TSL companies with managing documentation and processes regarding transportation, shipment and logistics.

go digital !
Sales service
  • Digital contracts signing with contractors with a mobile app working on smartphones and tablets and via website
  • Digitalization and managing shipping documents
  • Implementing digital shipping forms
  • Managing sales documentation
go digital !
Client and business partner service
  • Implementation of digital workflow for transport, sales and shipment documents
  • Servicing certificates
  • Servicing claims and complaints
  • Servicing delivery sheets and EWZ



go digital !
Finance and accounting
  • Automatic invoice registering and settlements with clients
  • Issuing invoices on behalf of shippers
  • Digital procurement documentation management (orders, invoices, corrections, protocols, direct debit)
  • Digitalization and managing accounting documents
  • Integration with the finance and accounting system
go digital !
  • Creating digital personnel file
  • Managing the personnel and payroll documentation
  • Integration with the existing personnel and payroll system
Learn more!
Which contracts and documents can be signed electronically?
go digital !
  • Integration with systems operating within a company – reducing the load of documents and data, including the TSL system
  • Implementing digital documentation archive
  • Implementing digital document workflow for transport, sales and shipment documentation
Still doing things the old way?
Schedule a call with us – we’ll show you how we helped others in digital archiving.
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