Document Processing & Export to Alfresco

Alfresco is an open-source document management system. It is positioned as a single unified repository to manage any content – Documents, Images, Video and Audio.

With the Document Processing & Export to Alfresco, it is possible to scan documents, automatically index them with bar codes or OCR and export the documents as TIFF, PDF, into Alfresco. You can map index fields with Alfresco content type specific properties.

The Document Processing & Export to Alfresco is compatible with Alfresco Community and Alfresco Content Services Enterprise Edition.

Key benefits:
  • Quick and efficient placement of electronic documents in Alfresco.
  • Lowering the costs of handling documents in the organization thanks to their digitization.
  • Accelerate the distribution of documents in the organization by converting them into an electronic form.
  • Cost optimization thanks to mechanisms ensuring the highest quality of the entered data.
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Which contracts and documents can be signed electronically?
Key features:
  • Import electronic documents into Alfresco.
  • Digitization of any documents and content in the organization. Scanning paper documents, importing electronic documents.
  • Reading any barcodes, comprehensive, high-performance image processing.
  • Mechanisms supporting efficient document indexing.
  • Integration with OCR engines for intelligent content recognition.
  • Open API to build dedicated modules and integrate with external data sources.
Digital archiving and workflow

Lower your costs, improve quality and speed of client service and guarantee data and documents security. Implement the top digital archiving and workflow system.

Still doing things the old way?
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