WEBCON BPS is a cutting-edge solution for digital cases circulation with which you can accomplish your business tasks faster and easier from anywhere, on a computer or a mobile app.

Key benefits of the Workflow program:
  • Speeding up cases circulation
  • Easier work due to automation of certain actions
  • Keeping deadlines
  • Keeping tasks continuity with substitutes during holidays or sick leaves
  • Current information regarding status and tasks
  • Eliminating bottlenecks and even delegating of tasks
Key features of the Workflow solution:
  • Automation of business processes through tasks assignment and process initialing
  • Registering cases status and informing participants about changes
  • Easy configuration at any phase
  • Role operating reflecting company’s structure and hierarchy
  • Integration with third party’s software
  • Reports and analysis of case history and task completion
Learn more!
Which contracts and documents can be signed electronically?
Fast and easy implementation of the Workflow program:

Automated, digital documents circulation and processes management in an organization significantly influence speed and effectiveness of completing tasks.

When choosing WEBCON BPS you get comprehensive solution customized do your needs.

Digital archiving and workflow

Lower your costs, improve quality and speed of client service and guarantee data and documents security. Implement the top digital archiving and workflow system.

Working remotely?
Schedule a call and we’ll tell and show you why it’s worth to implement the digital workflow.
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