Digital Document Processing

Digital Document Processing allows swift digitalization of documents and business processes at the entry gate of the organization. App for scanning documents streamlines documents processing with scanning, registering and digitally archiving and allows documents recognition.

Key benefits of Document Processing:
  • Reducing costs of documents logistics within an organization with digitalization
  • Sealing business processes by registering cases at the entry gate level
  • Speeding up documents distribution within the organization, by digitalizing them
  • Cost cutting with mechanisms ensuring the highest quality of entered data.
Key features of the documents distribution solution:
  • Digitizing any documents and content within an organization. Scanning paper documents, importing electronic documents
  • Reading of any bar codes, coherent and highly efficient image processing
  • Mechanisms supporting efficient indexing of documents
  • Integration with OCR engines allowing intelligent content recognition
  • API open for building customized modules and for integrating with outside data sources.
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Which contracts and documents can be signed electronically?
Application for documents distribution:

Crucial use for documents scanning app Digital Document Processing is allowing digitalization of any content at the entry gate level of the organization. The documents scanning app is useful for many departments of an organization: in administration, HR, finance as well as in specialized centers for high volume documents processing.

Digital Document Processing has unlimited possibilities of integration with outside systems.

Digital archiving and workflow

Lower your costs, improve quality and speed of client service and guarantee data and documents security. Implement the top digital archiving and workflow system.

Do you scan or import documents in your company?
Schedule a call and we’ll show you how to facilitate and automate the digitalization and automatic information reading processes.
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